Showing 13–24 of 25 results
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Narvi S7 FPGA Module
Narvi is an easy-to-use FPGA Development board featuring AMD Spartan 7
Starts at $199.99

Nereid K7 PCI Express FPGA Development Board
Nereid is an eas
Starts at $999.99

Proteus K7 USB 3.1 Development Board
Proteus is an easy-to-use FPGA Development board featuring the AMD Kin
Starts at $999.99

Saturn – S6 FPGA Development Board with DDR SDRAM
Saturn is an easy to use FPGA Development board featuring Xilinx Spart
Starts at $179.99

Styx Z7 FPGA Module
Styx is an easy-to-use Zynq Development Module featuring an AMD Zynq X
Starts at $239.99

Tagus – A7 PCI Express Development Board
Tagus is an easy-to-use FPGA Development Board featuring AMD Artix-7 F
Starts at $599.99

Telesto MAX10 FPGA Module
Telesto is an easy to use FPGA Module featuring Intel (formerly Altera
Starts at $387.99

TityraCore Zynq® 7000 SoC SODIMM
TityraCore Z7 SoC SoDIMM incorporates the AMD Zynq XC7Z020 chip, seaml
Starts at $299

Waxwing – S6 Mini Module
No stock due to the unprecedented chip shortage
Lead time - 52 week

Waxwing S6 FPGA Development Board
Waxwing S6 Development Board is a low cost FPGA development board with