Get To Know Us!
Investing in and building solutions based on cutting edge technology is the centrepiece of what we do. Power packed and easy to use solutions that can be integrated to the customers’ products and projects has always been our greatest strength. Established in 2011, Numato Systems Pvt. Ltd. (Numato Lab) is a market leader in cutting edge technology implementation for OEMs, Academic institutions and individual users alike. We strive to simplify difficult technologies so that they can be made suitable for your organization’s needs and can be integrated to OEM solutions with ease. Our primary areas of focus are FPGA based systems/Accelerated Computing and Automation/Data Acquisition Systems.
At Numato Lab, quality is a rather crucial element that we particularly keen on in the provision of our services. We ensure that all the products we deliver to our customers are of the finest quality. Our FPGA and Accelerated Computing products are built to meet the highest standards of the industry. The same applies to our Automation and Data Acquisition systems as well. The products are also built to stoically stand the test of time and deliver unwavering performance for very long time.
We understand and appreciate the varied needs of our clients. We do offer custom product design that enables our customers to get exactly the product they need. We have a brilliant team of engineers that specializes in transforming a customers’ ideas into actual products that will meet their performance and quality demands.
Our Mission
Ever since we started as a very small company, we had a special focus. An unwavering focus on you, the customer. We believe that successfully running a technology business is nothing but helping the customers succeed in what they do. We did and continue to do this by providing as much help as we can in the form of great products, helpful tools and sharing knowledge that can be put to work to achieve your goals.
“Our mission is to help you, our customer, succeed in your endeavors by providing a complete environment including easy to use products, helpful tools and other resources.”
Our Vision
Technology, learning and innovation has always been in our blood and was the driving force that helped us focus on better and better technology that truly helped our customers succeed in the past years. It comes as no surprise that we want to continue doing it and achieve higher levels of success while helping people around us to succeed.
“Our vision is to become a notable technology company in the world technology arena by helping our customers, employees and anyone who works with us while being responsible to the well being of the nature and human kind.”
Got a question? Please feel free to get in touch with us any time!